Hot Spots incorporate a 30mm mallet head onto a drum stick platform and are fitted on one side with a cavity and on the opposite side a nylon bead is embedded at the surface level. Hot Spots provide three distinct sound dynamics — softer mallet rolls, cymbal definition and a unique ‘clacking’ sound of the cavity — by simply rotating the stick to the desired mallet head position.
An entirely new cymbal sound spectrum can be achieved with Flatheads, which incorporate and 45mm soft foam mallet head onto a Grooves A drumstick platform. The mallet head is flattened on opposite sides, and one side is bored out to form a cavity. A 3/8-inch nylon striker is mounted in one side of the mallet head, which gives the mallet 4 unique striking areas. The flattened side produces a softer mallet sound whereas the ‘cupped’ side produces a huge fat back beat on a snare and a ‘clack’ sound on cymbals. The rounded edge delivers a strong mallet tone and a more aggressive sounding attack while hitting with the striker is more like a normal stick sound. The grip area is indexed to help orient the mallet head while playing.
Our Hot Spots incorporate a 30mm mallet head onto a drum stick platform and are fitted on one side with a cavity and a nylon bead is embedded at the surface level on the opposite side. Hot Spots provide three distinct sound dynamics by simply rotating the stick to the desired mallet head position: softer mallet rolls, cymbal definition and a unique ‘clacking’ sound of the cavity.
Jingle Things incorporate a 45mm mallet head onto a drum stick platform. The mallet head is flattened on one side to which we’ve added tambourine jingles. A nylon bead is embedded at the surface level on the opposite side. The Jingle sound produced is somewhat like a headed tambourine as the bottom jingle ‘claps’ onto the flattened surface while the top jingle resonates freely. The nylon bead produces just enough cymbal and drum sounds without overwhelming the single pair of jingles.
We start with our Jingles Things and add a compression spring opposite the jingles. This adds a lively bounce and facilitates multiple rebounds and more complex rhythmic patterns at lower dynamic levels. A ½ inch nylon bead centered in the compression spring pulls attack and focus from the drums and cymbals as the spring compresses and the bead makes contact with the playing surface.
Bead Balls are 10 small poly balls enclosed in a high-impact ‘vented’ outer ball mounted on a light-weight drum stick. Conventional shaker drumsticks tend to muffle the sound of the shaker balls. The sound is further muted by interaction with drums and cymbals. The combination in Bead Balls allows the sound of the poly balls to escape through the outer ball rather than being muted when interacting with the drum set.
Our unique Echo Ball consists of a hard high-impact ball mounted onto a light-weight drum stick. The ball is cut on one side to produce an echo chamber which, when rested a vibrating cymbal surface, produces an eerie “fun filled” sound. Each Echo Ball comes with an Activator similar to our Tublitz. The fast rebound and lower volume of the Activator/Echo Ball combination can yield some eclectic and esoteric musical ventures.
Spring Shakes consist of 2 smaller shot-filled hard plastic balls mounted on a light-weight centre ball. The centre ball is fitted with a compression spring and a nylon bead is mounted in the centre. When the spring compresses, the beat contacts the playing surface and increases contact definition. The spring also adds bounce to the design.
Shake’N’Roll consists of 2 shot-filled hard plastic balls mounted on a light weight centre shaker ball positioned near the grip to distribute the weight evenly. Two of the polyrod strands feature 2 different sized nylon beads that can be adjusted to create less or more attack as desired.